Meet our skilled doctors and kind team
The caring and compassionate veterinarians at PAZ Veterinary West know that a hospital environment can be challenging; You may have feelings of fear, guilt, and anxiety when your pet is facing the unknown outcome of an illness or sudden injury. We don't want these negative feelings to stand in the way of coming up with a treatment plan for your pet's situation, so our team does our best to help you through these negative emotions to make the outcome the best course of best course of action for your pet. The first step to your pet getting better is the believe that we can get through this uncertainty together.
Dr. Nicholas Vaughan, MBA, CCRP, CVA
Fear-Free Elite
Dr. John Pullen
Fear-Free Certified
Dr. Cindy Carter
Fear-Free Certified
Dr. Krista A. Sirois (Practice Limited to Behavior)
Elite Fear-Free Certified
Nikki Johnston
Chief Operating Officer
Karen Holliday
Director of Human Resources
Toni Keener
Director of Logistics and Innovation
Vanessa Thuma
Head of Culture